Wednesday 10 June 2015

Next Butterfly Ornaments (Set of 3)

Hi everyone! I thought I would do a review on some Next items today. I absolutely love their products and think that the 'next' style is very in at the moment.

The items I'm going to be reviewing today are a beautiful set of 3 butterfly ornaments which are three different sizes and look gorgeous on a window sill or cupboard/sideboard. These butterflies look great in my place and goes so well with my shabby sheek look. They are really good quality and are well made. They also come with some hooks on the back so if you want to hang them up on the wall you can.

They are light green in colour but I believe you can get them in different colours too, although I'm really happy with this colour as it matches my place really nicely. I absolutely love next products because they are always such good quality, which shows in this product. I have had a lot of comments about them which is great because I love making my place look nice, and these do just the thing!

I bought this a little while ago so I'm not sure if they are still being sold by next. I will post the link on where you might be able to find them and to where you can view some of Next's other gorgeous products!

Check out Next's range of ornaments and statues, they also have a great range of hanging decorations for displaying all over your home.

Here's the link to the webpage:

Thanks for reading!
Lots more reviews and more to come!

Love Beth x